lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2011

check in the hotel

English for Hotel and Tourism: "Checking into a hotel" by LinguaTV

English for Hotel and Tourism: "Checking into a hotel" by LinguaTV


 EXTERIOR                                      INTERIOR                               5 more
  1.  headlight                                       1.steering wheel            1.battery         
  2. engine                                            2.horn                          2.wheels
  3. hood                                              3.dashboard                3.seating
  4. windshield wiper                            4.gas pedal                   4.sunroof
  5. windshield                                      5.clutch                        5.transmission
  6. windouw                                        6.brake pedal
  7. trunk                                              7.gearshift
  8. taillight                                            8.rearview mirror
  9. signal                                               9.ermegency brake
  10. bumper                                belt
  11. tire
  12. door
  13. side-view mirror

lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011


  • -I'm working till noom
  • -He's buying a car next day
  • -Is shegoing to the restaurant tomorro?


- I'm going to lunch with friends on saturday
 -I'm not going to do the homework today.
-Are you going to eat pizza tomorro?
I will go to agua prieta visit on monday.
-He'll need a car
-Will you go to nogales tomorro?

Cause/Effect of Violence

  1. -Children with 4 to 6 year imitated violent acts that they have seen in the tv. on a percentage of 47%
  2. -the effects in teens are that they become bullies in scholl or have violent behavior in at home.
  3. -Violent TV's progamas and video games have connection with children's agressive behavior problems.
  4. -Violence has become a common way to solve problems in younger people.
  5. -cartoon violence is comical and unrealistic, but it can cause an agressive effect in children.
  6. - in weakly people, the violence can cause more effects.